Counting Down To The Waterways Storymaking Festival Awards Event 2022

Just 8 days to the final awards ceremony for the Waterways Storymaking Festival where we announce the shortlisted entries and prizewinners for the 2022 Festival and present video performances of the shortlists in all categories, poetry, short story and photography. The event is on Thursday the 30th of June and starts at 7pm. We have a great programme for you with BBC and RTE broadcaster and producer John Daly as our host. Performing the shortlisted poetry and short stories is Colin Urwin. Colin is a storyteller and recording artist hailing from the Glens of Antrim and he will be bringng the entries to life. We are also delighted to announce the musical entertainment will be by singer songwriter Anthony Toner. Acclaimed for his insightful lyrics, fine guitar playing and his engaging between-songs patter, he is one of Northern Ireland’s most popular live acts.

If you want to join us for the online broadcast of the event simply go to the festival Facebook page at 7pm on the 30th June -

Seating at the live event at the MAC Upstairs Theatre is limited, but there are a few tickets left.

You can check out availability by contacting Maire -[email protected]g


Video: The Waterways Storymaking Festival Awards Ceremony 2022


Information on Summer Programme